From the Editor

Welcome to another edition of Aviation News Journal. We are happy to have you as a part of our growing readership!

So much has happened since the previous edition, not the least of which is the war in Ukraine. Rather than attempting to provide a detailed analysis of the conflict at this time, we have included a handful of articles that relate to it. Once the dust has settled a bit, and we have access to more accurate numbers and statistics, we will publish more comprehensive articles on the subject. At this time, for the sake of the millions affected by the conflict, we can only hope that the war comes to a speedy end. That said, it seems unlikely that Vladimir Putin's forces will cease the offensive until all of Ukraine has been conquered.

In terms of news at ANJ, we are happy to welcome back Michael Wilton of FlightSimple Aircraft Sales, who will be writing informative and educational articles relating to aircraft ownership. Also, from now on, the magazine will be published on the first Sunday night of every month. 

Until next time, fly safely.

Divan Muller
